Rosco Difini

I'm a yoga teacher who specializes in men's work. I use yoga, Human Design & sexual kung-fu to help queer men break free from their conditioning, form community with each other, and step into their power authentically.

Active 1d ago Joined 3 Nov 2024 (GMT-06:00) America/Costa_Rica
intro #3 to ayama level 3 4:52
What To Expect In Level 3

What to expect in level 3. Here are some highlights of what you will specifically learn in level 3: 'The Box' mobility assessment test and how to self-assess for pain (and assess others as well) The deeper purpose of yoga asana Yoga sequencing and how to prepare for certain yoga poses Yoga sequencing for pain points The pain journey - a more comprehensive look How to incorporate AYAMA into your teaching Do you plan to teach AYAMA to others? Let us know in the comments!

Stop adjusting your students 1 7:18
Yoga Adjustments: What Happens In The Body

Yoga Adjustments — What Happens In The Body In this video, I show you how a popular yoga adjustment creates weakness in the body. Try this with a friend to feel the effects in your own body and then tell me what you think in the comments!


Makes me feel glad that I've hardly been able to set hands on any of my students over the past five years (since I've been mostly virtual)! I would have been causing so much harm!!!

Yogi Aaron STAFF

@Rosco Difini I just uploaded this to the Yogi Club. Definitely watch it and go through it, because it is a perfect model for teachers like yourself to share with others. https://members.theyogi.clu...