Watch and listen to Yogi Aaron share the teachings of yoga, and how to bring them more fully into your life.
If you feel lost, or confused, or just need to re-establish your bearings in life, the Cave Of The Heart practice will bring you back and restore you to your wholeness.
The "Into The Cave Of The Heart" practice is one of the most sacred and accessible practices in our yoga tradition.
Uncover your true purpose in life through our FREE 28-Day Affirmations Series!
Take control of your life through a powerful morning routine! During this Morning Routine Course, you’ll:
Summer Solstice is the celebration of light and the welcome of the new: the unofficial beginning of summer. Until now everything got brighter, the days were longer and longer; now we slowly transform into darkness – shorter days are about to come. Join Yogi Aaron in these spiritually awakening yoga practices and welcome the power of the solstice.
This 7-day course has been crafted with care and is designed to bring you self-awareness, confidence, and well-being in body, mind, and spirit.
A meditation to get rid of negative energy and to also attract those people who celebrate you and your path.
Celebrate the Winter Solstice and the return of the light! This 20-minute-long asana + meditation practice with Yogi Aaron will help you open your body and mind to bring expansive energy into the new year! During these two practices, you will explore a variety of Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA) practices to activate your whole body while using this Bhavana, "I am embracing my power and live an inspired life." for mental focus.
Tap into your indomitable willpower by awakening the great masculine force within you! During this special 12 minute long men’s meditation, Yogi Aaron will guide you to connect with your inner masculine energy, be nurtured and filled up by it, and ultimately embody it. Do this meditation whenever you feel depleted to reignite the knowledge that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do!
This meditation series includes 4 meditations. A 5-minute meditation, 10-minute meditation, 15-minute meditation, and a 20-minute meditation. Each meditation takes you deeper within yourself and enables you to begin to seamlessly cultivate a meditation practice.
This meditation practice will lead you to answer the big questions of your life. To receive the maximum benefits, a minimum commitment of 30-days is needed.
Yogi Aaron presents a groundbreaking talk on meditation.
You will learn profound techniques from the Tantra Yoga Tradition on meditation and how to go to your next level of practice.
So many people crave the experience of a quiet mind that is peaceful flowing inward.
But they don't know how to achieve this quiet and still state that is spoken about in the tradition.
Do you feel lost?
Do you know where you are heading?
Do you know what your worth is?
This meditation practice to manifest and life your life purpose will get you back on track. After this meditation, you will feel clearer and more focused.
BEWARE!!! Practiced daily for 21 days, you will experience a monumental shift in your life.
This meditation practice will guide you to:
1. Re-establish clarity in your life purpose.
2. Completely align all aspects of your being.