Chris Keithley

Active 6d ago Joined 19 Oct 2023 (GMT-06:00) America/Costa_Rica
Stop adjusting your students 1 7:18
Yoga Adjustments: What Happens In The Body

Yoga Adjustments — What Happens In The Body In this video, I show you how a popular yoga adjustment creates weakness in the body. Try this with a friend to feel the effects in your own body and then tell me what you think in the comments!


I’ve never done this to anyone, but have been the recipient. Unless I know the teacher and their understanding of the body, I almost never let anyone touch me. Especially if I am trying to slip away for a few minutes. 

What are your thoughts on passive stretching in twists? For example, Parivrtta Sukhasana, it’s often taught to use the hand on the opposite knee to pull yourself further into the twist. However, after assisting at a YTT, I’ve come to believe that a simple action like that can lead to injury.