Long Practices (60-Minutes + Longer)
56-Minute Dynamic Backbend Practice
60-Minute Yoga Flow To Expand Your Ability to Receive
60-Minute Yoga To Get Rid Of Neck Pain
60-Minute Yoga Flow To Empower Your Prana
60-Minute Yoga For Shoulder Strength + Core Stability
63-Minute Yoga To Embody Transformation + Indomitable Will + Strength
65-Minute Dynamic Yoga For Powerful Backbending
75-Minute Yoga To Stabilize + "Open" Your Hips
75-Minute Yoga To Stabilize Your Hips
75-Minute Yoga To Enliven Your Spine
75-Minute Yoga For Your Neck
80-Minute Yoga Class For The Feet
85-Minute Practice: Stabilize Your Hips
90-Minute Yoga To Expand Your Capacity
90-Minute AYAMA Whole Body Class
90-Minute Practice To Let Go + Connect With Earth
120-Minute Class To Improve Your Ability To Breathe Deeply
120-Minute Yoga Class to Empty Your Mind
160-Minute Restorative Yoga Practice