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Why do you have pain?

The number one complaint most people have is lower back pain.

Many people complain about lower back problems.

Bulging discs create lower back problems and then pain in other areas of the body.

The question that I have been asking for 20 years is

"Why is this happening?"

"Why do people have pain in their bodies?"

And what I have come to learn is that people have pain in their bodies because their muscles are not working correctly.

When muscles do not function correctly, compensation takes place. And other muscles are recruited to do the work the other muscles are supposed to be doing.

When this happens, problems occur.

Muscles get over-stressed and lose their ability to function correctly.

What we are going to be doing over the next seven days is systematically teach how to access those muscles and simple exercises or movement.

Muscle engagement exercises only take three to four minutes a day.

And! From using these exercises to activate and fire up those muscles that should be working.

Over time notice:

#1. You are going to become pain-free! Yay!

#2. You are going to become stronger! Those muscles that were not working well are going to start doing their job.

Now begin with Day 1!


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