Day 7: A strong and erect spine - spinal extension

Welcome! We are on day seven of how to get rid of pain in your body.

We have arrived! 

I am so proud of you for sticking with this.

NO ONE in the world can help heal your body as you can. 


So far, the specific muscles we have targeted are:

Transverse Abdominals

Internal and External Obliques

Psoas Minor

Psoas Major

The Glutes


We are ending with one of the most life-changing exercises. 

Why didn't we do this on the first day? 

This particular posture is a LITTLE more challenging. 

But now you have been practicing the other six exercises; this one will be much easier for you. 

The muscle we are addressing today is called the multifidus. 

You most likely have never even heard of the multifidus before. However, believe me, when I say, it is a critical muscle.

The multifidus is a deep spinal extensor muscle. 

It runs deep in the spine. It starts in the sacrum (close to the tail bone) and goes up to the base of the neck. 

Obviously, this is a really important muscle to engage in. 

Many people complain about pain in their neck or of pain in their shoulders. Often, the source of that pain can be traced back to the multifidus not functioning correctly. The then body recruits other muscles to do its job. 

Watch the video to learn the exercise.

Please remember to keep doing these exercises. They work. You just got to do them. 

Do they say no pain, no gain? 

I say with a little effort from you, no more pain. 

Stay well in health!

