Day 1 - Activate your trunk rotator muscles

 One of the major muscles that's responsible for doing a majority of work protecting the upper body are the transverse abdominals.

The transverse abodimals, or TVA help stabilize the trunk of the body as well as the spine.

Additionally, this muscle is vital to any trunk rotation. Or in yoga, we call them twists.

It is fair to say that we twist in almost every movement we do.

The TVA is the deepest layer of abdominals.

In this video, we will teach an exercise that many people know, but seldom do correctly, or enough.

This is a very specific technique to practice this pose.

Once you learn it, I want you to start doing this every day.

Only hold these poses for 6 seconds. Count one-one-thousand. Two-one-thousand. Three-one-thousand. Four-one-thousand.Five-one-thousand. Six-one-thousand.

And then repeat for a total of six times.

The magic number is

Six seconds.

Six times.

That is day one!

Simple right?!

All we are doing is activating all the muscles that support our spine, support our back, support our torso, and ultimately support us in life.

When you get up after practicing this muscle activation technique, take notice of how you feel. Do you feel more stable?

If you do, then we did our job!

The pictures below are of the transverse abs.

Transverse abs anterior view
Transverse abs anterior view.png
Transverse abs anterior view
Transverse abs lateral view
Transverse abs lateral view.png
Transverse abs lateral view
Transverse abs posterior view
Transverse abs posterior view.png
Transverse abs posterior view