Day 6: Stability in your lower back

Welcome! We are on day six of how to get rid of pain in your body.

I hope you are starting to see results. 

I have been teaching these techniques for years on my students and have received tremendous results. 

So far, the specific muscles we have targeted are:

  • Transverse Abdominals
  • Internal and External Obliques
  • Psoas Minor
  • Psoas Major
  • The Glutes

Sometimes when you are starting, these exercises can pose some challenges. 

Some parts of your body have been dormant for a long time. And now, you are asking them to wake up. 

Most people do not like to be moving out of bed in the morning. They are relaxed in their beds, not wanting to move. Your muscles are in a similar state. Only in this case, they need a good kick in the butt to get them back to doing their job. 

These exercises are straightforward. And more! They do not take much time. 

From now on, keep in mind what is essential - that you just do something every day. Just do one exercise. 

AND if you can, do two. And if you have some time to three. 

Taking 10 - 15 minutes a day will change the course trajectory of your life. I promise you.

If you do them, your body will (literally) thank me in 10 years. 

The more these muscle activation techniques become a part of your everyday life, the more you will feel more robust and stable. And have

more energy at the end of the day.

Who wants to live life being in pain?

Do the work!

Today, we dive into one of my favorite muscles. 

The Longissimus.

The longissimus is a muscle that runs parallel to the spine pretty much, and it is responsible for spinal stability. 

This posture called superman pose. 

While doing this posture, fully embody Superman (or Wonderwoman. ) 

Visualize yourself getting stronger and feeling empowered. 

Our rule of holding any pose is 6-seconds for 6-times. 

Watch the video for more instructions. 

Once finished, come and sit up for a moment. 

For myself, every time I do this posture, I feel like I'm sitting much taller. I hope the same is for you. 

See you tomorrow for day seven!
