Day 4: Stability and support with strengthened hip flexors

Welcome! We are on day four of how to get rid of pain in your body. 

If you feel inspired, go back and repeat the exercise from Day 1 + 2 + 3, and then continue with Day 4.

If not, no worries. Practice each day until you get the hang of it. There is no rush, and steady + consistent wins the race.

Do not take shortcuts. Do the exercises correctly, as explained in the videos. If you do the work, you will reap the rewards of having a more energetic, stable, and resilient body.

Today we are going into hip flexion.

The biggest hip flexor is called the psoas major. (In yesterday's lesson, we covered the psoas minor, which is related to trunk flexion.)

The psoas major is one of the most critical muscles in the body. It is the only muscle that attaches to the spine and legs. (the lumber spine to T12, and the lesser trochanter.)

At the top of the pyramid of important hip flexors, the psoas major is definitely at the top.

As such, when your psoas is not functioning correctly, many problems can happen in the body.

Persoanlly, I would wager a huge bet that the majority of back problems come from a psoas that is not contracting correctly.

We are going to teach you a very simple technique. It is a simple, exercises to activate the psoas major.

Watch the video for more instructions.

Remember the magic number!

6 seconds

6 times

I can not tell you how many times I have worked on people to help them get rid of their back pain through activation of the psoas major.

When this muscle starts to do its job, other muscles (probably in spasm or are overworked) can chill out.

The back pain actually disappears, often by the time they get off the table.

We look forward to seeing you on day five!

Please remember to leave some comments below on how you feel after you have completed these exercises. 
